2020 Garonne 750ml
Tasting Notes
This Bordeaux style red blend is inspired by the left bank where Cabernet Sauvignon is king, further flattered by the elegant Merlot and dignified Cabernet Franc. The combination is brought together with Malbec and Petit Verdot to bring texture and body respectively.
Pairs With
Protein– New York strip, smoked brisket, filet mignon, ostrich burger, bison steak, shepherds pie, beef ribs.
Cheese– Ossau-Iraty, sharp cheddar, aged gouda, stilton, truffle chevre, pecorino Toscano.
Vegetable– Portobello mushroom, broccoli rabe, grilled artichoke, black bean burger, roasted carrots.
Columbia Valley
Varietal Composition
Cabernet Sauvignon - 54%, Cabernet Franc - 20%, Merlot - 15%, Malbec - 6%, Petit Verdot - 5%